12 PM Cambie Pub. Info here.

I found this article today. I hope you enjoy it!

I think it’s time for the outflows that come off the seawall to make their way down, creating the icy streams across the walking and bike paths. I remember the last couple of years that they were sometimes very challenging to cross! I hopefully will be able to take some time to do that this week.

Yup. But… Not much has gone on in my cycling world. YET. First, I had an operation in the summer. That laid me up for 6 WEEKS. No bike, taking it easy, the whole deal.

What else? Well, I am selling a bike. I’m selling my 1935 Hawthorne MotoBike. It’s a good smooth ride. I would have done so much more with it, but I need to weed out my bikes as I need the space.

IF you want, let me know, and I can hook you up with a test ride. I’m asking $275 for it. Let me know!

Great ride


CCM collected!


Well, it’s official. I’m a collector. And This happens to be my first bicycle that I’ve put together (sort of) for a friend. I’m not sure what year this old bike is, so if anyone knows, let me know!

On the other side of things, there’s a cruiser bike ride at 8:30 at the Stanley Park roundabout tonight… park ride, bring lights! Hope to see you there!

I picked this bike up on the weekend.  Good ride... needs TLC.

I picked this bike up on the weekend. Good ride... needs TLC.

Check it out… great item.

And that means that EVERYBODY’S out on their bikes. Not to mention, at clubs, bars, restaurants, and on patios.

Events coming up tomorrow:
1. English Dave’s birthday Cruiser ride 7:30 PM LegoLand.
2. Little 50 Cruiser bike race – Strathcona Oval, 7:30.

I will unfortunately be at neither of these, as I am playing a rock’n’roll show with my band at St. Augustine’s on Commercial at 8 PM. Come down to see Wonderful Diving Horses rock the house!

I want to ride my bike tomorrow though, as I just bought myself a new cruiser bike! This one is a 1950’s Schwinn balloon tire bicycle called a “straightbar”. Pic here:

It’s the last Friday of the month CRUISER BIKE RIDE! AND… the best part about it is that it’s going to be HOT! It’s about time! 8:30 at Stanley park roundabout. Come one, come all.

Bring your cash, your shorts, your good attitudes, and get on with the mayhem! It’s going to be a good weekend. Details here.DBS Scavenger Hunt